
Simple Home Made Beauty Tips for Soft and Glowing Skin

Simple Home Made Beauty Tips

Simple Home Made Beauty Tips
In order to overcome these problems and to quickly fairness of your skin I ‘m going to discuss some very basic elements on which you can easily get a fair and radiant skin in no time. Quick skin fairness requires that because part of the skin, which becomes visible sun tan, because most people work during the day, so it gets very important for them to do their fair skin glow and fast.
Things like cucumber , glycerin and rose water can make your skin glow and fair quickly and without any side effects. Put a few slices of cucumber in a blender , then add equal amounts of glycerin and rose water to make a paste , and it is not thin and not thick, and then apply it on your face before sleeping and wash it in the morning , you will see that your face will look for a fair and the light of day .
Simple Home Made Beauty Tips for Soft and Glowing Skin
There are many tips and tricks by which you can make your face attractive in the eyes of the public. Here are some very useful home remedies and some mixing techniques that can help you in your task. Follow these simple and easy steps , and see amazing results in the shortest possible time to achieve fair skin.
1) Wheat flour is a powder made from the grinding of wheat. Wheat flour is not only good for health but for your skin also. Here are few simple usages of wheat flour to enhance your beauty naturally.

Make-up Remover

Make-up Remover
You can remove any type of makeup , using wheat flour. Mix the flour with water and apply on face . Leave on for 2-3 minutes , now wipe your hands and wash your face with cold water.

For soft and radiant skin :

For soft and glowing skin , mix the flour with the milk and lemon juice. Apply a thick layer of the mask , leave it on for 4-5 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Remove dust your face shape :

Make sure your hands are clean before you start cleaning your face. Mix the flour with the milk and cottage cheese . Apply a thick layer of the package and leave for 2-3 minutes , wipe the face with his hands , and then rinse it . Pat the face with a soft cloth.
2) Dink 3-4 liters of water every day and exercise. Include green vegetables , milk , dried fruits and fresh fruits in your daily diet plan .
3) Protect your skin from the sun.
4) Apply a moisturizer every day.
5) Do not smoke, it contributes to wrinkles and make you look older.

TOUCHBeauty products in aliexpress:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1394979


10 Best Eye Make-up Tips

10 Best Eye Make-up Tips

  1. Maybelline guides, try to keep your eyes open while applying eyeliner. However, it is a bit tough but it will help you to create it perfectly.
  2. Dry your eyelashes with tissue paper before you apply to avoid any smudging. It also protects from draining which may spoil your entire face make-up.
  3. If you have smaller eyes and want to look it bigger, use a white or off-white pencil to draw the inner rims and then use eyeliner outside of it.
  4. Draw mascara from the root to top to look your eyelashes look longer and thicker.
  5. Mascara can stick your lashes together. Use a small comb to remove excess mascara and the clumps.
  6. Use mascara base to avoid draining of mascara. If at all it drains, use tissue papers to soak it.
  7. While using eye shadows, keep in mind that you should start with the lightest shade from brow bone to darker at the eye line.
  8. Do not use the shade of eye shadows as the shade of your eyelid. It will pop up your eyes.
  9. Use lighter shades for eye make-up if you are using bright or glittering lipstick.
  10. Again, do not try to match your eye make-up with your dress color or else your total face make-up may end up as a disaster.

makeup tips


Top 5 Tips for Choosing a Daily Facial Cleanser

When it comes to facial cleansers, there are as many to choose from as there are faces to be cleaned -- creams, lotions, pads, soap bars, gels, scrubs and self-foaming cleansers all fill the shelves. Clearly, there's no "one size fits all" product.
So what's all the fuss? You might be familiar with the phrase "Put your best face forward." In this situation, you can take it literally. The face takes quite a molecular beating each day. Some women cover it with makeup, and men hack away at it with razorblades. Our faces brave the elements, from wind and cold to heat and rain, and we touch them with our oily or ketchup-tainted hands throughout the day.
Facial cleansers can help with all of these facial dangers, primarily by clearing away the dirt, grime and dead cells, thus facilitating the production and easy travels of new skin cells. If you choose the right facial cleanser (or combination of cleansers), your face will regain a more youthful and healthy appearance. But how do you choose? Let's find out.
You probably have a preferred salad dressing, but before you put anything on a salad, you first like to know what kind of salad you're dealing with. Is it garden greens? Caesar, Greek or Cobb? Balsamic vinaigrette isn't quite as good on a taco salad.
Likewise, before you can pick out the right facial cleanser for your particular needs, you need to know what kind of face you'll be working with. Most of us never think about what type of skin we have, just that sometimes it's more presentable than others. But everyone has a basic "skin type," and this knowledge will help you determine what type of cleanser is called for. Using the wrong cleanser for your skin type can make matters worse by further contributing to dryness, irritation or oiliness.
Which skin type do you have?
  • Normal skin. This skin type has a proper balance of moisture, oil and durability.
  • Oily skin. Does your face look shiny, greasy or oily a few hours after washing it?
  • Dry skin. Dry skin features facial pores that are hard to see a few hours after being washed.
  • Sensitive skin. This skin type often feels tight or itchy, and experiences allergic reactions and flushing when put into contact with certain chemicals.
  • Combination skin. If some parts of your face are oily while others are dry or sensitive, you have combination skin.
Now then, what to wear?
Now that you know your skin type, you can begin narrowing down your search for a facial cleanser. Armed with the knowledge that you have, for example, combination skin, you can peruse the labels of facial cleansers and dismiss all the products designed for other skin types.
For instance, if you have dry skin, you'll want to avoid products with a heavy alcohol content. If you have oily skin, you may want a cleanser with a low pH level, which will be more effective for gently washing away that oil. And if you have sensitive skin, you can swerve away from the selection of cleansers that have problematic chemicals or heavy fragrance (we'll discuss why shortly).
If you wear lots of makeup or wear it daily, you'll want to explore the options for facial cleansers with an eye toward makeup removal. If you work out (or work outdoors), you'll want something that is effective at keeping your pores nice and clean, so that they don't get clogged with sweat and grime.
Spending a little time reading labels and researching product lines will pay dividends in your quest for an effective facial cleanser. Most facial cleansers advertise right up front what type of skin and situation they are best suited for.
There's no reason why you should have to pause your perusal of facial cleansers just to save the world, as we'll next find out.
If you have too much time on your hands, turn over a packaged facial cleanser and read the list of ingredients. Often, most items on that list will sound completely unfamiliar to you. Of course, the same holds true with soft drinks and just about everything else we consume on a daily basis. So what's there to worry about?
Quite a lot, actually. Some chemicals commonly used in facial cleansers can irritate the skin. Often, it's the chemicals involved in the cleanser's fragrance, such as form-providing plasticizers known as phthalates, which are believed to have negative health effects on humans. Additionally, the chemicals commonly found in facial cleansers ultimately get washed off you and then make their way through sewage systems and drain fields back into our environment. The amount of these chemicals being used and discarded on a daily basis worldwide means the environmental level of these chemicals -- some of which are carcinogenic -- is constantly rising.
Also, it's not always easy to find a cleanser's fragrance that you can tolerate on a day-in-, day-out basis, no matter how effective the cleanser may be. It might be wise to treat your cleanser and your fragrance as two different things and to seek out an unscented facial cleanser, preferably an organic or eco-friendly brand, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Next: a secret for your diary.
With such a staggering number of facial cleansers to choose from, it can be hard to remember what has and hasn't worked in your early days of wild experimentation. Some cleansers may leave you feeling and looking squeaky clean, while others only exacerbate your underlying skin problems. It doesn't take long before all those brand names, cleanser types, fragrances and features become just one big blur.
Your face doesn't have to reveal its deepest secrets, but keeping a log of what facial cleansers you use and for how long will help you determine what's working and what's not. By using each facial cleanser you try out for an equal amount of time, you'll be able to make an apples-to-apples comparison when later glancing through your notes on how well each cleanser performed for you.
Next, the benefits of keeping up with the Jones' opinions.
Standing in a retail store and facing an endless aisle of facial cleansers can be daunting, if not outright terrifying. It's hard to know where to start.
But what are friends for? Ask around and see what is being used by the people you know. You can get a head start in your selection process by seeing which facial cleansers are liked and disliked by those around you. You might as well take advantage of all the "field research" that has already been doggedly conducted by your peers. Remember that different people have different skin types, so what works for your dry, itchy friend may not work for your oily or sensitive skin.
Talk to those who work in the skin care field (this doesn't necessarily mean a chemist; a salesperson will do). What products seem to gain loyal customers? Which ones do they personally favor? The same goes for aestheticians and dermatologists. These professionals will be more than happy to help you in your search for the perfect facial cleanser.
With a little luck, a little more research, and even more trial and error, you'll be able to choose a facial cleanser that meets all your needs. See the next page for more articles on skin care.
TOUCHBeauty facial care products:http://www.aliexpress.com/store/1394979

Go Natural – 10 Simple Ways To Beautify Your Face

Your skin care gets neglected while meeting the demands of work and family. Your daily schedule is grueling enough to drain you by the end of the day. Hence, it is quite understandable, that you do not get time to look after your skin, the way you should. However, these conditions cast an unhealthy impact on your skin. And with time, you start developing problems like skin darkening, dark spots, dull skin, pimples, sun tan and inflammation. There are several treatments available today, which would most certainly fix these skin troubles. But let’s admit it; the skin treatments at the salon take a toll on your budget, more often than not. Also, you might not have the time to sit through those tedious sessions of treatments.

Why Skin Problems Occur?

  • Your water intake is insufficient.
  • You are not getting adequate sleep.
  • Your diet is lacking in essential nutrients.
  • Your skin has got affected by the ultra violet rays of the sun.
  • A sedentary lifestyle has made the blood circulation of your body poor.
  • You are not cleansing your skin regularly.

Tips To Get Beautiful Skin Naturally

You can prepare wonderful skin treatments at home itself, and these would also be budget friendly. Here are some natural skin care tips – the 10 natural ways to beautify your skin, which are a boon to your skin and cost effective as well.

Get Soft Skin

Simple Ways To Beautify Your Face
A velvety and soft skin is what every woman dreams of having. However, it is hard to maintain such type of skin, when you are exposed to dust and varying heat conditions every day. In order to get a supple and smooth skin, take some cucumber juice and mix half a teaspoon of fresh milk cream into it. Apply on a clean skin and spread evenly on the entire surface. Let this mixture stay on your face for 15 minutes. Wash off thoroughly with fresh water and pat dry your skin.

Remove Sun Tan

Beautify Your Face
When you have been in the sun, without wearing sun protection, you are bound to get a tanned or irritated skin. To heal heat induced and sun tanned skin, make prepare this anti-tanning pack at home conveniently. Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour (besan) and mix 1 tea spoon of fresh cream into it. Add a pinch of turmeric and 1 tea spoon sandalwood powder. Mix well. Now add some drops of lemon. Apply this mixture on the affected area and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
Or if you think this pack requires too many ingredients, try this quick tip. Take 2 tablespoons of yogurt and squeeze half a lemon into it. Massage this mixture on your skin and leave for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water. Applying these tips for three consecutive days would help you regain your original skin color.

Moisturize Dry Skin

Beautify Your Face
Dry skin looks flaky and undesirable, not to mention the itchiness you experience due to the same. Looking after your diet and eating enough healthy fats is surely the key to get a naturally hydrated skin. However, for external care, you could try this treatment. Take one table spoon of fresh cream and add some turmeric powder into it. Now mix two tea spoons of lemon juice and a few drops of sweet almond oil. Lastly, add one tea spoon of rose water into the entire mixture and beat well. Make sure your face is cleansed properly. Spread this face pack generously on your entire face, hands and neck. Let it stay there for twenty minutes. Wash off with warm water and get an amazingly smooth and naturally moisturized skin.

Be Beautiful Through Exfoliation

Beautify Your Face
Exfoliating your skin is a skin ritual which everyone must follow. It is as crucial to remove dead cells from your skin, as it is to breathe in fresh air. When the pores of the epidermis are clogged with dead cells, the skin is unable to breathe causing breakouts, dull skin and ageing. Prepare the following scrub at home. Take some oatmeal powder and add one tablespoon of skimmed milk into it. Mix well and apply the same on your face, neck and hands. Massage gently with your fingers, in circular motion. Wash off after 15 minutes and do not use soap.


Three-panelled Foldable Mirror TB-1471 TOUCHBeauty

Three-panelled Foldable Mirror  TB-1471
1. Three-panelled foldable mirror, good for impulse make-up and hair-do.
2. Comes with 3 mirrors, 1X, 2X and 5X.
3. Classic, delicate and portable.

LED Makeup Mirror AS-1277 TOUCHBeauty

LED Makeup Mirror  AS-1277
1.Foldable mirror with up to 2-times magnification.
2.LED light illumination promises a fine makeup.
3.Flexible and firm magnetic cover fits well.
4.Droplet-shaped, delicate, compact, and portable.
5.Operated with 2x CR2025 cell batteries (included).

LED Mirror AS-1275A TOUCHBeauty

LED Mirror  AS-1275A
1. Comes with 2 mirrors( 1X/2X) for optional use.
2. 4 built-in LED lights, which can be used even in the dark.
3. Fashionable design and smooth surface.
4. Operated with 2x CR2032 cell batteries (included).

LED Mirror AS-1275 TOUCHBeauty

LED Mirror   AS-1275
1. Comes with 2 mirrors, 1X/2X.
2. Four built-in LED lights.
3. Pearl white color, elegant and delicate.
4. Rechargeable with USB cable, convenient and environmently-friendly.

Dual Blade Electric Shaver AS-0806 TOUCHBeauty

Dual Blade Electric Shaver   AS-0806
1.Washable and water resistant-IPX6.
2.Dual Trimmer system:
  Dentate for cutting long hair.
  Net for cutting short hair.
3.Safe design, fits the contour of human body well.
4.Suitable for the whole body.
5.Compact and portable, travel package.
6.2 AAA batteries operated. (Batteries not included).

Electric Ladies' Shaver AS-1459

Electric Ladies' Shaver   AS-1459
1.Comes with an integrated cutter head and super-thin steel net. 
2.Flexible and pivoting, fits the contour of human body. 
3.Smart comb-like cover, combs and trims simultaneously. 
4.Flower bud -shaped, fashionable and handy. 
5.Washable, water-resistant-IPX6, 
6.Suitable for the whole body. 
7.2 AAA batteries operated. (Batteries not included).


1. With soft screwy silicone cleaning tip, safe and efficient for use.
2. LED light offers a clearer view.
3. Removable silicone cleaning tip, easy to clean after use.
4. 1 23A battery operated. (Battery included)

Body Slimmer AS-0826B TOUCHBeauty

Body Slimmer   AS-0826B
1. Increases blood circulation, reduces subcutaneous fat accumulation and speeds up fat burning.
2. TPE double-effect massage tips fit well and work on deep skin.
3. Ideal for use on thighs, hips, arms and belly.

Body Massager AS-0826A TOUCHBeauty

Body Massager  AS-0826A
1. Comes with 21 rolling beads, more effectively massages the skin, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and makes skin smoother, more elastic and younger-looking.
2. Very comfortable and energy-saving handle.
3. Use with massage oil or body lotion makes a better effect.
4. Removable massage plate, which can be cleaned easily.

9 in 1 Electric Beauty & Clean Kit AS-0601B

9 in 1 Electric Beauty & Clean Kit   AS-0601B
1.Comes with 9 different attachments, professional pedicure, manicure, skin-care and body massage all in one.
2.Two speed settings.
3. Compact storage case.
4. 2 AA Batteries operated. (Batteries not included)

3 in 1 Electric Dead Skin Remover AS-1237 TOUCHBeauty

3 in 1 Electric Dead Skin Remover   AS-1237
1. 3 professional pedicure instruments bring you a nice pair of feet.
2. 2 optional speed settings.
3. Unique stand for storing the device and all the attachment.
4.Water-resistant, IPX5.

4 In 1 Electric Dead Skin Remover AS-1336 TOUCHBeauty

4 In 1 Electric Dead Skin Remover  AS-1336
1. Comes with four professional pedicure attachments, makes the foot skin smoother, softer and tenderer.
Harsh nickle disc
removes big calluses, cutin and dead skin.
Fine nickle disc
exfoliates the dead skin and smoothens the skin
Carborundum grinding cone
files and saws the nails and repairs the toes.
Carborundum grinding cylinder
repairs the areas around and between the toes.
2.Multifunctional magnetic stand easily stores the main device and all the attachments and can even hang on the wall.
3. Anti-slippery design.
4. Washable, water-resistant IPX5.
5. USB rechargeable. 

Electric Facial Cleanser Set AS-0525A TOUCHBeauty

Electric Facial Cleanser Set  AS-0525A
1.Comes with four different brushes, deeply cleans the skin.
• Cleaning&Clearing Brush(For oily combination skin):
 Deeply cleans oil and residual make-up in the pores, making for clear and smooth skin.
 Good for daily use.
• Silicone Cleansing Brush(For Sensitive Skin):
 Elastic silicone brush
 Gently cleans and cares your skin and is good for sensitive skin or skin in sensitive period.
 Suggested use: according to your skin sensitivity.
• Skin Refreshing Brush(For exfoliation)
 Closely fits your skin, deeply cleans the dirt and the blackheads twice and helps to exfoliate and brighten the skin. For all skin types.
 Suggested use: once a week.
2.Two speed settings.
3.Compact storage case.
 4.2 AA batteries operated. (Batteries not included)

Electric Facial Cleanser AS-0759D TOUCHBeauty

Electric Facial Cleanser   AS-0759D
1. 360°rotary soft PBT brush removes dirt, make-up and dead skin to reveal your skins natural radiance. 
2. 2 speed settings.
3. Convenient stand for device storage.
4. Water resistant - IPX6.
5. 2 AA batteries operated (Batteries not included).

Electric Facial Cleanser Kit AS-0759A TOUCHBeauty

Electric Facial Cleanser Kit  AS-0759A
1.Three massage heads deeply cleans and massages the skin with dual effect.
• Cleaning&Clearing Brush(For oily combination skin):
 Deeply cleans oil and residual make-up in the pores, making for clear and smooth skin.
 Good for daily use.
• Silicone Cleansing Brush(For Sensitive Skin):
 Elastic silicone brush, gently cleans and cares your skin.
 Good for sensitive skin or skin in sensitive period.
 Suggested use: according to your skin sensitivity.
• Skin Refreshing Brush(For exfoliation):
 Closely fits your skin, deeply cleans the dirt and the blackheads twice and helps to exfoliate and brighten the skin.
 For all skin types.
 Suggested use: once a week.
2. Two working speed settings.
3. Water resistant -IPX6.
4. Compact storage case.
5. 2 AA batteries operated. (Batteries not included.)

Electric Facial Cleanser TB-1483 TOUCHBeauty

Electric Facial Cleanser  TB-1483
1. 360ºrotary soft brush, which removes dirt, make-up and dead skin to reveal your skin's natural radiance.
2. Two speed settings. Low speed for gentle cleansing and high speed for deep cleansing.
3. Water resistent - IPX 6.
4. 2 AA batteries operated.

Mini Facial Cleanser(Travel Kit) AS -1387 TOUCHBeauty

Mini Facial Cleanser(Travel Kit)  AS -1387
1. The device has 3 massage heads for deep cleaning:
• Cleaning&Clearing Brush(For oily combination skin):
 Deeply cleans oil and residual make-up in the pores, making for clear and smooth skin.
 Good for daily use.
• Silicone Cleansing Brush(For Sensitive Skin):
 Elastic silicone brush, gently cleans and cares your skin.
 Good for sensitive skin or skin in sensitive period.
 Suggested use: according to your skin sensitivity.
• Skin Refreshing Brush(For exfoliation):
 Closely fits your skin, deeply cleans the dirt and the blackheads twice, and helps to exfoliate and brighten the skin. For all skin types.
 Suggested use: once a week.
2. Rotates clockwise & counter-clockwise: Smart and good for any skin texture.
3. Mini size with a fashionable droplet-shaped box, ideal for travel.
4. Water resistant - IPX6.
5. USB rechargeable, environmentally friendly.